George Washington Masonic National Memorial

George Washington National Masonic Memorial
Front View of George Washington Masonic National Memorial.jpg
General information
Type Museum, observation
Location 101 Callahan Drive, Alexandria, Virginia
Construction started June 5, 1922[1]
Completed 1932
Opening May 12, 1932[2]
Cost $6 million[3]
Roof 333 ft (101 m)
Technical details
Floor count 9
Elevator count 2
Design and construction
Owner George Washington National Masonic Memorial Association
Main contractor Percy Cranford Co., Washington, D.C.
Architect Harvey Wiley Corbett of Helmle & Corbett
Structural engineer Osgood & Osgood, Grand Rapids, Michigan
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George Washington Masonic National Memorial is a Masonic building and memorial located in Alexandria, Virginia, outside Washington, D.C.. It is dedicated to the memory of George Washington, the first President of the United States and a Mason. The tower is fashioned after the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt.[4][5][6] The 333-foot (101 m)[6][7][8] memorial sits atop Shooter's Hill[9][10][11] (also known as Shuter's Hill)[12] at 101 Callahan Drive.[4] Construction began in 1922,[1] the building was dedicated in 1932,[2] and the interior finally completed in 1970.[13]

The memorial is served by the King Street – Old Town Metro station on the Blue and Yellow Lines of the Washington Metro.[9] The station is located about four blocks from the memorial.


Early memorial efforts and Washington Memorial Park

The idea to construct a Masonic memorial for George Washington was first proposed in 1852 by the Washington area's "mother lodge," Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4 (located in Fredericksburg, Virginia).[14] Funds were sought from Grand Lodges (state-level Masonic organizations) throughout the United States to construct a memorial Masonic Temple with a large statue in the vestibule.[15] Enough funds were raised to commission a life-size bronze statue of Washington in full Masonic regalia from a sculptor named Powers who was living in Rome, Italy.[16] The statue reached Alexandria in early 1861, just before the outbreak of the American Civil War.[16] It remained on display in Alexandria until the summer of 1863, when it was moved to Richmond, Virginia.[16] The statue was destroyed in the fire which occurred as Richmond surrendered to the Army of the Potomac on April 3, 1865.[16]

Plans for a Masonic memorial moved forward again in 1909 after work on a competing memorial began. The proposed site for the new memorial was Shooter's Hill, which at one time had been seriously considered by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson as the site of the United States Capitol building.[17][18] On May 8, 1900, citizens of Alexandria formed the "Washington Monument Association of Alexandria" (WMAA), a nonprofit organization whose mission was to build a memorial to George Washington in the city of Alexandria. Little was accomplished in the organization's first few years of life, but in February 1908 the WMAA purchased an option to buy a 50 acres (20 ha) tract of land on and around Shooter's Hill and the nearby Alexandria Golf Course.[19] Most of the land immediately on either side of King Street was subdivided into housing tracts and sold, with 25 acres (10 ha) of land on top of Shooter's Hill reserved for a memorial.[20] The sale of the housing subdivisions paid for the purchase of the entire tract, with enough left over to provide for construction of a memorial.[20]

Within a month of the purchase of Shooter's Hill, the WMMA decided to build a park rather than a memorial.[21] About 15 acres (6.1 ha) were set aside for the George Washington Memorial Park, while another 4.5 acres (1.8 ha) were set aside for a small memorial within the park.[21] The new subdivision, named Fort Ellsworth (after an American Civil War fort which formerly occupied Shooter's Hill), was platted in November 1908, and public streets laid out.[22][23] (The subdivision contained a restrictive covenant which limited purchases of lots in the subdivision to whites only.)[21] The park was ready for dedication on April 30, 1909—the 120th anniversary of the inauguration of Washington as President. The Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22 (George Washington's Masonic lodge, as well as the lodge he led as a Master Mason) was asked to preside over its dedication.[24] President William Howard Taft, Vice President James S. Sherman, Speaker of the House Joseph Gurney Cannon, Virginia Governor Claude A. Swanson, Virginia Lieutenant Governor J. Taylor Ellyson, the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, Baltimore Mayor J. Barry Mahool, and numerous other dignitaries attended the dedication ceremony.[25] (Shooter's Hill was incorporated into the city of Alexandria on April 1, 1914.)[26]

Formation of the George Washington National Masonic Memorial Association

There were several reasons why Masonic bodies began moving on their own memorial. The construction of George Washington Memorial Park sparked renewed Masonic interest in building their own memorial. But another reason was the safety of items owned or used by George Washington ("Washingtoniana") and which were now owned by the Alexandria-Washington lodge. The lodge had suffered several fires over the previous century, and a number of these historic items were destroyed.[13][27] Constructing a fireproof building which would more safely house these important items was a major factor in pushing the Masonic memorial forward.[13][27][28]

In late 1907 or early 1908, Alexandria Commissioner of Revenue Charles H. Callahan (the deputy master of Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22) proposed to his fellow Masons that, at last, a memorial to George Washington should be built.[2][29][30] Callahan proposed the construction of a $10,000 memorial temple.[31] In early 1908, the Alexandria-Washington Lodge formed a "local memorial temple committee" to research the costs and obstacles involved in building a memorial temple.[2] The committee passed a resolution asking Joseph Eggleston, the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, to approve the creation of a memorial temple and to assist in creating a national memorial association in which all Masons and Masonic organizations could participate.[2]

On May 7, 1909, the Grand Lodge of Virginia called upon all grand lodges in the United States to meet in Alexandria on February 22, 1910, to discuss plans for organizing a George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association whose purpose would be to construct a memorial temple.[31][32] President Taft, Representative Champ Clark, Secretary of War Jacob M. Dickinson, and Virginia Governor William Hodges Mann all spoke at the February 22 meeting.[33] The George Washington National Masonic Memorial Association (GWNMMA) was formed at this meeting, and plans were adopted to raise $500,000 to go toward the cost of construction and another $500,000 for an endowment and maintenance fund.[34] Thomas J. Shryock, Grand Master of Maryland (and a former Treasurer of Maryland and Brigadier General in the Maryland National Guard), was elected president of the GWNMMA.[35]

At this point, the GWNMMA only planned to construct a Masonic temple, not a giant memorial.[34] One floor was to be set aside for use by Masonic lodges, and one or more fireproof, secure rooms in the temple were to be used for the display of Washingtoniana and historical documents owned by the Alexandria-Washington Lodge.[34] By February 1911, the GWNMMA had ruled out any other site than Alexandria as the site for its memorial temple, and fund-raising activities were being planned.[36] A more formal association structure was also adopted at this time.[37] But except for fund-raising activities, little was done in the Association's first five years of activity.

Site selection

Nearly everyone involved in the project in its early years agreed the memorial temple had to be built in Alexandria due to Washington's extensive ties to that city.[2] George Washington Memorial Park seemed a good location, but this park was still privately owned by the WMAA.[38] In September 1915, the Alexandria-Washington Lodge offered to buy several lots on top of Shooter's Hill for $1,000.[38] At about the same time, the city of Alexandria discussed whether it should ask the WMMA to turn over the remainder of George Washington Memorial Park to the city.[38] The lodge suggested that 28 acres (11 ha) of the eastern slope of George Washington Memorial Park be retained as a public park, while the rest of the tract could be used for any purposes the city wanted.[38] This plan was not acted on. By December 1915, the city had purchased all of Shooter's Hill and George Washington Memorial Park from the WMMA except for a 2-acre (0.81 ha) area (lots 29 through 38, inclusive, of block 5)[39] on the north slope of the hill.[26] In October or December 1915 (sources disagree on the date), the Alexandria-Washington Lodge purchased the north slope of Shooter's Hill (an area about 400 by 200 feet (120 by 61 m)) for $1,000.[40][41][42] Under the terms of the conveyance of the deed, the Masons were required to build a memorial temple (costing no less than $100,000) to George Washington at the top of the hill within 10 years or they would be forced to turn over the land to the city of Alexandria.[26]

With land secured, the Masons began making plans to build a memorial. In 1917, the Alexandria-Washington Lodge reported that the intent remained to construct a $500,000 building to house the Washingtoniana (valued at $2 million) which the lodge held.[41] The GWNMMA had raised $5,000, and another $20,000 in donations was anticipated.[40][41] GWNMMA President Thomas J. Shyrock died in 1917, and Louis Arthur Watres (former Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania and a former Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania) was elected president as his successor.[2]

By February 1922, the GWNMMA had radically revised its plans for the memorial. Now the building would cost $1.5 million, with another $400,000 set aside for landscaping the grounds and $500,000 as an endowment for perpetually maintaining the memorial.[43][44] The directors of the GWNMMA also approved a new charter for the organization, inspected the building site, and approved blueprints for the building.[44] The state of Virginia approved the revised charter for the GWNMMA on March 16, 1922.[45]

Early designs

The GWNMMA selected Harvey Wiley Corbett (a Freemason) of the New York City firm of Helmle & Corbett to be the chief architect.[46][47][48][8] Corbett planned a three-story memorial temple topped by a three-story tower. The first three floors (which constituted temple and the base of the tower) would be built in the Neoclassical style, while the tower would be a variation on the setbacks popular in Modern architecture.[47] The structure was to be built entirely of masonry, with almost no metal used in its construction (except for reinforcing rods in the concrete).[29][49] The rationale for this decision was that a building constructred purely of stone would be the most permanent structure possible.[29][49] The firm of Osgood & Osgood of Grand Rapids, Michigan, was the consulting engineer.[48][50][51] Daniel E. Moran (of the firm Moran, Maurice & Proctor of New York) was the foundation's designer; Gunvald Aus was the structural engineer; the firm of Clarke, McMullen & Riley (of New York) was the mechanical engineer; and Carl Rust Parker of Olmsted Brothers was the landscape architect.[52] The general contractor was the Percy Cranford Co., but the actual masonry work was done by the Samuel Miller Co. (both companies were located in Washington, D.C.).[52]

Corbett's initial design was for a memorial about 200 feet (61 m) high.[53] Corbett drew his inspiration from the restoration of the lighthouse at the port of Ostia Antica near Rome.[7][54] In the initial design, the first floor was occupied by a main hall with a colonnade on either side and clerestory windows, at the back of which a large statue of Washington would reside.[53] Historic murals would be painted on the walls.[53] To the right and left of the main hall would be large meeting rooms (one for the use of the Alexandria-Washington Lodge and one for use by other Masonic bodies.[53] Also to the left of the main hall would be a small room which would contain a replica of the original Masonic lodge room in which Washington himself had presided.[55]

Additional details and apparent design changes were revealed in July 1922. Although the building was still just 200 feet (61 m) in height, the press now reported that the building would be built specifically in the Greek and Romanesque Revival styles and be constructed of white marble and white concrete.[56][57] The "atrium" of the building (as the main hall was now called) was now slated to also contain space along the walls which could be used by Grand Lodges to memorialize their prominent members, while the rooms around the memorial hall would now be dedicated to the various Masonic "appendant bodies" (jurisdictional bodies, social groups, youth and women's organizations, etc.).[56] The plan also now called for the second floor to be used as an art gallery as well as a museum, and for the museum to not only honor Washington but also other famous Masons from Virginia.[56] The memorial was still intended to house Washingtoniana and contain a replica of the original Alexandria-Washington Lodge's meeting room.[56]

A major revision to the memorial plans was made in February 1923. The GWNMMA approved constructing the building entirely of granite (rather than marble and concrete), a change which raised the cost of the structure to $3 million.[58] Including the cost of landscaping and the required maintenance endowment, the total cost had risen to $4 million.[59]

These plans were revised and elaborated on again by April 1923. Now the memorial was to stand 330 feet (100 m) high.[50] The memorial "atrium" on the first floor was specified to be 45 feet (14 m) wide by 80 feet (24 m) deep.[50] With the clerestory, this hall would be 60 feet (18 m) in height.[50] Meeting rooms would still surround the "atrium."[50] The second story, now said to be 45 by 60 feet (14 by 18 m) in size with a high ceiling and extensive windows (to let in large amounts of natural light), was intended to house the Washington museum.[50] The purpose of the third floor was not yet agreed upon.[50] The tower above the third floor now also contained an observation deck forming a seventh and ultimate floor at the top of the tower.[50] The new plans specified that terraces would lead from the front steps of the memorial down to the street below.[50] The cost, however, was still budgeted for $4 million.[48]

The final major change in the memorial came in early 1924. The height of the tower had been decreased at some point to 280 feet (85 m).[57] But in February 1924, architect Corbett raised the tower's height back to 330 feet (100 m).[57]

Construction of the building

Building the foundation

Given the size and weight of the memorial, even in its early design stages, a solid foundation for the structure was critical. An initial test borehole into Shooter's Hill (which reached a depth of 200 feet (61 m)) found no bedrock, leading to concerns that the site might not be a suitable location for the building.[27] Daniel E. Moran, the foundation engineer and an expert in the construction of foundations, further investigated the earth beneath the building.[60] Moran drilled 125 feet (38 m) below the lowest point of the foundation, and found gravel, hard clay, and sand.[27][60] Soil experts in New York City and with the United States Geological Survey analyzed the soil, and provided a guarantee (backed up by a bond) that no settling of the building would occur due to soil conditions.[27][60]

Ground for the memorial was broken at noon on June 5, 1922.[1] Louis Watres, president of the Association, and Charles H. Callahan, vice president, broke ground in a driving rain.[1] The shovel and pick used to break ground, as well as four small stones from the first two spades of earth turned, were preserved by the Alexandria-Washington Lodge.[1] Excavation of the memorial's foundation began a few days later, with Cranford Paving Co. of Washington, D.C., doing the work.[1][52] The foundation was roughly hemispherical to provide the greatest stability,[27] and the top of Shooter's Hill leveled (reducing the elevation by 25 feet (7.6 m) to 108 feet (33 m)) in order to accommodate the 177-foot (54 m) wide by 195-foot (59 m) long foundation.[61] The basement of the building was as large as the first two floors combined, and intended to house the structure's mechanical plant.[62] Although steam shovels were used to excavate the foundation, the earth was carried away by mule-drawn wagons.[27][63] A wide road was constructed to the top of Shooter's Hill to permit the transport of earth off the site and construction materials to the hilltop.[63]

By July 1922, the GWNMMA had received $700,000 in donations and another $900,000 in pledges.[56] Some time in the spring of 1922, the GWNMMA also obtained title to the 32-acre (13 ha) tract encompassing the rest of Shooter's Hill.[56] About 22 acres (8.9 ha) of the tract, valued at $1 million, was purchased from the city of Alexandria at almost no cost (essentially making it a gift from the city).[2][56] The total size of the tract owned by the Masons was now 36 acres (15 ha).[2]

By February 1923, $1 million had been spent on constructing the foundation and walls and on landscaping.[58] Topsoil for the landscaping came from the Earl Strong Co. of Alexandria, the grass seed from O.M. Scotts and Sons of Ohio, and other trees, shrubs, and landscaping products came from C.F. Armiger of Washington, D.C.[52] Revenues easily exceeded these expenditures, as $1.8 million had been received in donations and pledges.[59] The same month, the GWNMMA expanded its board of directors from nine to 12.[59] By April 1923, the foundation had been fully excavated and the foundation walls constructed.[64] The Washington Post reported that the concrete foundation was the largest ever cast in a single piece.[52][65] The foundation (of articulate girder design) was 39,000 square feet (3,600 m2) in size, 4.5 to 9 feet (1.4 to 2.7 m) thick, and contained 9,000 cubic yards (6,900 m3) of concrete.[52][62] Plows pulled by mules had reshaped the side of the hill into its terraced form,[63] and most of the landscaping was now done.[64] Total cash donations received totaled more than $1 million by this time.[64]

Laying of the cornerstone

Laying of the memorial's cornerstone occurred on November 1, 1923. Planners had initially proposed that cornerstone be laid on November 4, 1923—the 170th anniversary of George Washington's initiation into Freemasonry.[27] But because November 4 that year fell on a Sunday, the ceremony was scheduled for November 1.[27] The ceremony almost did not occur. A short time before the event, contractors discovered that the cornerstone for the memorial had been cut too small.[27] A new cornerstone was quickly fashioned, and completed just in time.[27] Alexandria Mayor William Allen Smoot declared a holiday, and all businesses closed except for banks and the U.S. post office.[66] The United States Navy light cruiser USS Richmond and a U.S. Navy destroyer anchored at the Alexandria torpedo factory as part of the festivities.[67] Trains ran every three minutes into the city of Alexandria in order to accommodate the crowds.[66]

An estimated 14,000 Masons, dignitaries, United States armed forces personnel, police, and others marched in a massive parade from the Alexandria waterfront to Shooter's Hill to kick off the event.[66] During the parade, four United States Army Air Corps planes circled overhead.[67] Among the dignitaries present at the 1 p.m. cornerstone-laying event were President Calvin Coolidge, now-Chief Justice of the United States William Howard Taft, Virginia Governor Elbert Lee Trinkle, and Alexandria Mayor Smoot.[66][68][69] Charles H. Callahan was master of ceremonies,[69] and the Rt Rev. James Edward Freeman, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, provided the invocation and benediction.[66][69] President Coolidge laid the cornerstone using the same trowel Washington used on September 18, 1783, to lay the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol building (the trowel was owned by the Alexandria-Washington Lodge).[68] Loudspeakers were used to broadcast the speeches of President Coolidge and the other speakers to the crowd, and a temporary radio station (operated by radio station WCAP) was set up on Shooter's Hill to broadcast the proceedings nationwide.[66][67] (Both the loudspeakers and temporary radio station were the same which President Warren G. Harding had used during the laying of the cornerstone for the Lincoln Memorial.)[67]

Every U.S. state deposited an item into the cornerstone.[66] Other items deposited in the cornerstone were an American flag; a bronze medal celebrating the inauguration of Warren G. Harding; a bronze plaque containing the names of the architects, consulting architects, landscape architects, engineers, and contractors working on the memorial; a Bible; a lambskin apron; a copy of William Joseph Williams' 1794 portrait of George Washington (in Masonic regalia); several books and pamphlets concerning the life of Washington and Freemasonry in America; and the names of the board of directors and officers of the GWNMMA.[66] Beneath the cornerstone was another container, which held several dimes, copies of the Constitution, copies of the Declaration of Independence, books, and other items.[63]

Construction milestones

Construction proceeded slowly after the cornerstone was laid. This was because construction stopped during the winter, to ensure that the memorial remained free of moisture, frost damage, and the effects of cooling (to improve the fit between stones).[57][70][71][72] The Helmle & Corbett architectural firm did an extensive study of stone buildings in Europe, and determined that working only during good weather was the best way to construct a durable building.[72] During 1923, the GWNMMA raised another $500,000 in cash donations, which brought the total received to $2 million.[57] The granite for the memorial came from quarries in New Hampshire,[71] and was provided by the Maine & New Hampshire Granite Corp.[52] Some of these blocks were as much as 20 feet (6.1 m) long.[73]

By the time of the GWNMMA's annual meeting in February 1924, construction on the first floor was almost complete.[57] The GWNMMA believed that the second floor would be finished by the end of the construction season in the fall of 1924,[57] and that the entire structure would be done by late 1927 or early 1928.[71] The Association also decided that a statue of Washington should be placed in the memorial "atrium," and that this statue should be a marble copy of Jean-Antoine Houdon's 1788 statue of George Washington (which stood in the rotunda of the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond).[57] In May 1924, the GWNMMA resodded the terrace and spent $6,000 on a new gateway and entrance to the memorial at the foot of Shooter's Hill.[71] The 1924 construction year ended in December with the installation of eight green marble columns (each weighing 11 to 18 short tons (10.0 to 16 t)) in the memorial "atrium."[29] These columns had arrived at Alexandria's Union Station by train from Redstone, New Hampshire.[63] Each green marble column was to be 40.5 feet (12.3 m) high and 2.5 feet (0.76 m) in diameter when finished.[70] At this time, it was estimated that the building would be complete in three to six years.[29]

Work on the building slowed in 1925 due to the difficult nature of the work of completing the roof and raising the tower.[70] About 5,500 cubic feet (160 m3) of pink Conway granite (also quarried near Redstone) was received in May 1925 and used to build the memorial "atrium" (or hall).[70] The walls of the hall were already 32 feet (9.8 m) high, and about 14 feet (4.3 m) of granite needed to be raised on the northeast and south sides of the hall to complete them.[70] (They were to be 50 feet (15 m) when finished in December 1925.)[70] Sixteen columns of St. Genevieve marble, quarried in Missouri, were also being manufactured.[70] Each column was intended to be 18.5 feet (5.6 m) high and 2.3 feet (0.70 m) in diameter when finished.[70] The GWNMMA anticipated spending $595,000 in construction funds in 1925,[70] and raised another $500,000 in cash donations.[49]

In 1926, the GWNMMA appropriated another $500,000 to continue construction on the memorial.[74] The first event ever held in the (unfinished) memorial was the February 22, 1926, GWNMMA annual meeting.[49] The group reported that $2 million in cash donations had been received thus far, and $1.8 million expended.[49] Eight pink Conway granite columns—each 40 feet (12 m) high and weighing 68 short tons (62 t)[60][72]—for the portico were raised into position in October 1926, nearly completing this portion of the structure.[75] Also nearing completion was a massive bas-relief sculpture of Washington's head in profile, designed by sculptor Gail Sherman Corbett (wife of architect Harvey W. Corbett).[52][76][77] G. Fred Coles, who helped execute the statue of Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial, did the carving of the sculpture on-site in the summer of 1927 from Corbett's maquette.[77]

At the group's February 1927 meeting, the GWNMMA officers reported raising another $125,000 in cash donations.[78] Six months later, the roof was put in place. The concrete roof was designed by Gunvald Aus, who also designed the Woolworth Building in New York City.[60] Pouring of the concrete roof for the memorial's first three floors began on August 22, 1927,[60] and was completed on August 30.[72] Steel for the roof was provided by Concrete Steel Co. of Washington, D.C.;[52] the Vulcanite Portland Cement Co. of Philadelphia provided the cement;[52] and Cranford Construction Co. poured the roof.[72] A total of 71 short tons (64 t) of steel reinforcing rods were used in the roof, which contained 953 cubic yards (729 m3) of concrete.[72] The roof was 74.75 feet (22.78 m) wide and 110 feet (34 m) long—reportedly the largest concrete roof in the world at the time.[60][65][72] The roof was supported by four steel-reinforced concrete beams, each beam 72 feet (22 m) long and 14.5 feet (4.4 m) deep.[60][72] Each beam varied from 1 to 5 feet (0.30 to 1.5 m) in thickness, contained 7.5 short tons (6.8 t) of steel reinforcing rods, and weighed a total of 98 short tons (89 t)).[60][72] The beams were supported at the front of the building by four of the pink Conway granite columns.[60][72] At the four corners of the roof were concrete piers, each 9 square feet (0.84 m2) in size.[60][72] Spandrel beams between the columns—6.3 feet (1.9 m) wide at the bottom, 9 feet (2.7 m) wide at the top, and 24 feet (7.3 m) deep—also helped support the roof.[60] The roof was waterproofed, sealed, and covered by the New York Roofing Co. and the Ehret-Warren Co.[52] In August 1927, it was believed the building would be finished in another three to five years.[72]

At its February 1928 annual meeting, the GWNMMA agreed to spend another $500,000 in the coming year on construction costs.[79][80] The Association also agreed to increase the endowment fund to $1.5 million, for a total cost of building, grounds, and endowment of $5 million.[79][80] At this time, it was estimated that the building could be completed if another $500,000 was raised in 1929.[79][80] The Grand Lodge of the state of Virginia announced at the meeting that it had agreed to fund the construction of bronze doors for the memorial at a cost of $10,000.[62][80] At the close of the meeting, the GWNMMA established a formal dedication date of 1932 for the memorial.[81]

In February 1929, the GWNMMA learned that $400,000 in cash donations had been received in 1928.[82] When work on the structure began again in March 1929, the terrace and lawns were resodded.[65] The first Masonic degrees were conferred in the unfinished memorial in mid-October 1929.[83] The first Blue Lodge meeting there was held November 14, 1929.[84] In 1930, the Association spent $225,000 on the memorial.[85] That same year, GWNMMA President Watres donated a large Celesta-like set of chimes for the memorial's tower.[62][86]

Work on the exterior of the memorial ended on in early February 1931.[85] The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masonry paid for the construction of the aluminum double-keystone symbol and light at the top of the building.[62][85] The fixture, the largest of its kind in the world at the time, was in place by February 1929 but not yet lit (as exterior lighting systems were still being installed).[85] Construction of decorative items, flooring, landscape drainage, marble walls, and plumbing continued throughout 1931 and was expected to be complete by February 1932.[85] Work on the outbuilding housing the memorial's boiler room began in late March 1931.[87] The brick building was constructed by the Temple B. Greenstreet Co. of Washington, D.C., and the brick smokestacks built by the Alphonse Custodis Co. of New York.[52] The outbuilding's boilers and memorial's interior radiators were supplied and installed by the American Radiator Co.[52] Interior heating and ventilation units and ductwork were provided by the B.F. Sturtevant Co., Benjamin F. Shore Co., and Buffalo Forge Co.[52] Modern thermostats were used to control the heating and cooling, and provided by Johnson Service Co.[52] The furnaces used heating oil for fuel, and were installed by the Automatic Heating Corporation of Washington, D.C.[52][88]


The George Washington National Masonic Memorial was dedicated on May 12, 1932. Planners had hoped that the memorial would be ready by February 22, 1932—the 200th anniversary of Washington's birth.[85] But the structure was not ready in time, as many of the interior details had not yet been decided on or installed.[52] Even though they had two extra months, the contractors still rushed to finish the building.[89] The huge granite steps leading up to the main entrance were not in place (and would not be until 1940).[90] Among the rooms being prepared at the last minute was the 1,000-seat circular auditorium on the second floor at the building's rear.[89] The interior marble in the auditorium came from the Hilgartner Marble Co. of Baltimore, while the seating and woodwork came from the American Seating Co. of Grand Rapids.[52][89] The fan-shaped ceiling and the frieze in the auditorium were designed by Louis Ludwig of Washington, D.C., while the installation of the ceiling and the frieze was done by the A.W. Lee Co. of Washington.[52] Contractors were also busy installing sashes, windows, and ventilation grillwork throughout the building, and laying a cement floor in the memorial "atrium" (or hall) on the second floor.[89] Bronze was used for the sashes, doors, door jambs, and other exterior work where connection to the granite was required, and these items were put in place by the William H. Jackson Co. of New York.[52] The interior and exterior ironwork was supplied by the Alexandria Iron Works and by the Washington Stair and Ornamental Iron Co.[52] (The cement floor would later be ripped up and replaced with a marble floor.)[89] No attempt was made to complete the first floor (other than the assembly hall), the two lodge rooms on the second floor, or any of the tower rooms in time for the dedication.[89]

The memorial had been constructed without incurring any debt. From the start of the project, the Masonic bodies involved resolved not to sign any contract or begin any work until the money for such efforts was already in hand.[91] At the time of the dedication, not a single bond had been sold or loan taken out to fund the building's construction.[91]

A number of special events marked the dedication ceremony. More than 100 special trains were required to carry an estimated 150,000 spectators into Alexandria.[2] Many attendees slept in railway sleeping cars (which remained parked in the city's rail yards) because hotel accommodations were lacking.[2] The U.S. Navy sailed the historic wooden-hulled, three-masted heavy frigate USS Constitution to Alexandria for the dedication.[92] Three United States Coast Guard cutters and a U.S. Navy submarine also anchored in the Potomac River for the ceremony.[93] The United States Post Office Department established a special temporary ceremonial post office at the site of the memorial to postmark letters and postcards with the memorial's name and location and the date of the dedication ceremony.[94] (More than 200,000 letters were postmarked at the ceremonial station that day.)[95] The United States House of Representatives adjourned, because most House members were attending the dedication event.[96] Most members of the United States Senate also attended, as did a number of foreign ambassadors.[2]

On May 12, however, a continuous heavy rain dampened the festivities.[97] Only about 20,000 people (rather than the anticipated 150,000) lined the city's streets to view the parade.[97] The parade, originally estimated to incorporate 20,000 participants, held only 15,000, but still marched through Alexandria to the memorial prior to the dedication ceremony.[2][93][97] More than 5,000 U.S. military personnel and 3,000 Knights Templar (the third part of the York Rite system of Masonic degrees) marched in the parade.[2][93] The parade took more than two hours to pass the reviewing stand.[97] Representatives from every branch of Freemasonry in the U.S. attended, and many representatives from overseas Masonic lodges also were present.[2] President Hoover and nearly his entire Cabinet attended the dedication.[2][31] When the President and his party arrived at the site, the Constitution, the three Coast Guard ships, and a battery of the 16th Field Artillery fired a 21-gun salute.[2][93][97]

Due to the heavy rain, the dedication ceremony was moved from the portico of the memorial to the newly completed auditorium.[97] Several items associated with Washington were used during the dedication. Among these were: The Bible which Washington used when initiated in 1752 into Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4; the trowel and gavel Washington used while laying the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol building; the Bible on which Washington took the presidential oath of office; and a silver urn made by Paul Revere which contained a lock of Washington's hair.[2][27][98] A special Masonic ritual was written for the dedication.[98] The dedication ceremony incorporated a 4-foot (1.2 m) high model of the memorial, and the pouring of wine, oil, and corn (Masonic symbols) from gold and silver pitchers onto the model.[2][98] The exactingly detailed model was manufactured by inmates at the Lorton Reformatory.[31] The pitchers were made by metalsmith Olaf Saugstadt.[2] The invocation was given by the Rt. Rev. W. Bertrand Stevens, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.[97] The benediction was given by Dr. William J. Morton, Rector of Christ Church, Alexandria (the church where Washington worshipped).[97]

Construction of the interior

Construction on some of the exterior and nearly all of the interior of the memorial continued after its May 1932 dedication. Sheet metal for interior window sashes, door jambs, and other moldings, fixtures, and fittings was provided by G.O. Robertson of Delaware; Ernest Gichner of Washington, D.C.; and the E. Van Norden Co. of New York.[52] The Hires-Turner Glass Co. of Rosslyn, Virginia, provided the window and stained glass.[52] The lighting fixtures were supplied by the Sterling Bronze Works, while electrical supplies were furnished by the National Electrical Supply Co. of Washington and A.L. Ladd of Alexandria.[52] Four firms oversaw the plumbing and sewage work: Earl Riley, the D.C. Engineering Co., Potomac Clay Works, and the Thos. Somerville Co.[52] The interior heavy hardware as well as some heavy internal equipment was supplied by Henry H. Meyer & Co. of Washington, D.C., while lighter hardware and fixtures were supplied by Worth Hulfish & Sons of Alexandria; Baldwin-Stuart Co. of Hartford, Connecticut; and Sargent & Co. of New York.[52] Many of the non-marble floors were covered in cork (provided and installed by the David E. Kennedy Co.), and carpeting was provided by Woodward & Lothrop (the department store chain).[52] Acoustic tile was used in many rooms to dampen the echoes produced by the granite walls. This tile was provided by the George P. Little Co.[52] Terrazzo (faux marble flooring) work was done by the V. Foscato Co. of New York.[52] Much of the interior woodwork was supplied by W.A. Smoot & Co. of Alexandria.[52] Interior painting was done by the W.W. MacCallum Co. of Alexandria, while the terracotta (unglazed baked ceramic) decorations were provided by Ernest Simpson of Alexandria.[52] The aluminum for interior work was supplied by the Aerocrete Corporation, and worked and molded into forms by the Aluminum Company of America.[52]

But despite the immediate flurry of work on the memorial after its dedication, construction and decoration of the interior slowed significantly over the next two decades. The Great Depression and World War II left both funds and building materials in short supply. In 1935, the GWNMMA set aside the fourth floor as a "States Memorial Hall" (where each state's Grand Lodge could recognize its famous Masons), the sixth floor as a Masonic library, and the eighth floor as a museum.[62] The third, fifth, and seventh floors had not yet been assigned a function.[62] But these plans were not carried out. After the death of Louis Watres in June 1937, Dr. Elmer R. Arn, Past Grand Master of Ohio, was elected president of the Association as his successor.[3] In 1939, the granite steps leading up to the portico, the walls containing the patio which surrounds the memorial, and the stone balustrade for the granite steps were installed.[90] Several hundred plants were also added to the landscaping.[90] In February 1941, the Association reported its first big fundraising season since the memorial's dedication, receiving $100,000 in cash donations.[99] In 1941, the Association raised an additional $70,000, leaving it with total funds on hand of $225,000.[3] By now, the total cost of completing the structure had risen to $6 million.[3] The GWNMMA agreed to spend just $60,000 in 1942 in order to build a room dedicated to the Blue Lodge and the room to house the Alexandria-Washington Lodge's Washingtoniana.[3] (The Blue Lodge Room was never built.) Rep. Sol Bloom donated an oil painting of Washington in full Masonic regalia to the memorial that year as well.[3]

Work on the interior did not really begin in earnest until after the war.[13] It was not until May 1945 that the room dedicated to the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (the Shriners) was begun.[100] In time, the Shriners would furnish two more rooms on ground floor.[101] In 1946, the Association received a major donation of about $154,700 which went to its maintenance fund (which now had to be at least $3 million to generate enough funds to keep the structure maintained).[102] At the GWNMMA's annual meeting in February 1947, long-time memorial architect Harvey W. Corbett presented his plans for completing the memorial's interior, and sculptor Bryan Baker discussed his plans for a life-size statue of George Washington to adorn the memorial hall.[102] The memorial's dining room was completed in 1947 as well, and its first use was for a meeting of the GWNMMA in February 1948.[103] The Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm (a Master Masons' social group, also known as "the Grotto") dedicated its finished room (designed to house its archives) on the third floor of the building in February 1948.[101][104] The same year, President Harry S. Truman presented the memorial with a replica of the Great Seal of the United States which was 7 feet (2.1 m) in diameter and lit from within.[105] The sign had originally topped of the United States Government Printing Office headquarters, but had been damaged by lightning.[105] Removed and listed as scrap, a Freemason noticed the sign in a government warehouse and asked that it to be donated to the memorial.[105] A presentation ceremony was set for June 24, 1948. Truman's arrival at the presentation was significantly delayed as he spent the morning giving the orders to begin the Berlin airlift.)[105]

At some point after the completion of the Grotto room, the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania sponsored the completion of the memorial's sixth floor main library.[101] The nucleus of the library was donated by the widow of Rae John Lemert, Grand Historian of the Grand Lodge of Montana, in February 1931.[106]

By September 1949, the memorial was still "nowhere near finished."[107] None of the tower rooms in floors three through nine were finished, and the observation deck was still under construction.[107] (The Scottish Rite had agreed to fund the work on the observation platform.)[101] The observation deck was accessible only by a circular stairway.[107] In late 1949, two elevators were installed on the north and south side of the building.[107] To avoid piercing the second floor's memorial hall, the elevators slanted inward at 7.5 degrees.[8][107][108] They were 61 feet (19 m) apart on the first floor, but only 4.5 feet (1.4 m) feet apart at the observation deck.[107] They were the only slanting elevators in the world when installed.[107] Other decorative changes were made by late 1949 as well. A woven Persian carpet, the largest in the world and worth $1 million, was donated to the memorial.[107] Bryan Baker's sculpture of George Washington was changed from marble to bronze.[107] In December 1949, work on the North Lodge Room on the second floor was finished.[109] The Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States donated $100,000 to finance its completion.[109] The room contained seating for 450 and an organ (which was used for the first time during the room's dedication ceremony).[109]

Baker's 17-foot (5.2 m) high bronze statue of Washington was finally unveiled on February 22, 1950.[110] The statue was paid for by the Order of DeMolay, the young men's affiliate of Freemasonry.[110] President Truman, past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, dedicated the statue and delivered a major foreign policy address at its unveiling.[110] The same year, muralist painter Allyn Cox was hired to paint murals throughout the memorial depicting allegorical Masonic events from history as well as scenes from the life of George Washington.[111][112] The Grand Lodge of California donated the funds for these murals.[113] Cox also designed six stained glass windows for installation above the murals,[113] each depicting a famous Masonic patriot (such as Benjamin Franklin and Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette).[114] The windows were executed and installed by stained glass artist Robert Metcalf.[113]

In 1951, the Royal Arch Masonry organization agreed to fund the completion of the room on fifth floor and dedicate it to Holy Royal Arch Masonry.[101] In 1954, a 42-rank Moller pipe organ was installed in the main auditorium.[115] The funds for the organ were donated by the Grand Lodge of New Jersey.[62] The Knights Templar sponsored completion of a chapel on the eighth floor in 1955.[101] It was dedicated on April 20, 1957, by Vice President of the United States Richard Nixon (himself a member of the Knights Templar).[116] The same year, the Southern and Northern Jurisdictions of the Scottish Rite dedicated the George Washington museum on the memorial's fourth floor.[117] Two years later, a bronze statue of Washington by sculptor Donald De Lue (commissioned by the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, and originally destined for their headquarters) was donated to the museum.[117] In 1962, artists Dwight Franklin and Robert N.S. Whitelaw completed 12 dioramas (worth $75,000) to be placed in the assembly hall and which depicted key incidents in Washington's life.[118]

But despite these achievements, by 1964 the memorial still wasn't finished. More than 150,000 people a year were visiting the memorial, but the Washington museum was still unfinished.[119] A major push to finish the museum came after 1966, when Washington's descendants—Anne Madison and Patty Willis Washington—donated the Washington family's collection of papers and memorabilia to the museum.[8] Only after this donation was made were funds for the museum's completion finally raised.[120]

The memorial was considered complete in 1970.[13][121]

About the building

The George Washington National Masonic Memorial is Neoclassical in style.[47] Portions of the building are also in the Greek Revival and Romanesque Revival styles.[56] The columns which form the portico, are in the first floor assembly hall and the second floor main hall, and on the first tier of the tower are Doric.[62] However, the columns on the second tier of the tower are Ionic, and the columns on the third tier of the tower are Corinthian.[62]

The memorial consists of nine floors. The first (or "ground") floor appears, from the outside, to be part of the foundation. In the center of the first floor is the Grand Masonic Hall. The Grand Masonic Hall features eight large green granite columns, four on each side of the hall.[62] The Grand Masonic Hall is 66 feet (20 m) long, 66 feet (20 m) wide, and 20 feet (6.1 m) high.[62] The 12 dioramas commissioned in the mid-1960s are located in this hall.[28] At the western end of the hall are short steps which lead up to an alcove in which a bronze bust of George Washington was placed in 2008.[122] The semicircular alcove surrounding the bust contains murals depicting Masonic events in the life of Washington. For many years, the Great Seal of the United States donated by President Truman to the memorial in 1948 was displayed in this hall, but it was removed in the late 1990s.[105] Large, medium, and small meeting rooms are on the north and south sides of the Grand Masonic Hall. All three rooms on the north side contain exhibits which document the history and activities of the Shriners.[7][13] Many of the models in these room depict Shriner charities, and one model is a miniature mechanical version of a Shriners' parade.[13][73] The medium-sized room on the memorial's southwest corner contains an exhibit about Freemasonry in general.[13] The medium-sized meeting room (the George Washington Room) and large-sized meeting room (the Andrew Jackson Room) on the south side are generally closed to the public but can be rented as meeting space.

The second (or "main") floor appears, from the outside, to be the main level of the memorial.[28] The Parthenon-inspired portico with its Doric columns forms the primary entrance to the memorial.[62] The portico is supported by eight fluted columns of pink Conway granite 5.92 feet (1.80 m) in diameter and 33 feet (10 m) high,[62] each weighing 63 short tons (57 t).[113] The bas-relief medallion of Washington in profile which is incorporated into the pediment above the portico is 7 feet (2.1 m) across.[62] Bronze doors lead the way into the memorial. Once inside the memorial, to the left is the Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22 Replica Lodge Room, which faithfully duplicates the look of the lodge room at the time Washington presided over the lodge.[13][28] This room contains several items which belonged to Washington as well as historic items (such as furniture) from the Alexandria-Washington Lodge.[28][73] Behind the Master Mason's chair in this room is the William Joseph Williams portrait of Washington in his Masonic garb.[28][123] Along the south side of this floor is the South Lodge Room,[13] which replicates the Neoclassical look of the Alexandria-Washington Lodge when it was located in the Alexandria City Courthouse. This room is used for meetings of Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22 as well as other Masonic lodges who wish to use it for meetings while visiting the memorial.

The main feature of the second floor is the Memorial Hall, which is 100 feet (30 m) long, 66 feet (20 m) wide, and 51 feet (16 m) high.[62] Eight green granite columns (four on each side) support the roof of the Memorial Hall.[28][108] Each column is 38.5 feet (11.7 m) high, 4 feet (1.2 m) wide at the base, and weighs 63 short tons (57 t).[113] On the western end of the hall is the 17 feet (5.2 m) high bronze statue of Washington in Masonic regalia.[28][73] It weighs 7 short tons (6.4 t).[108] The floor is composed of Tennessee marble in a geometric design, and the walls are of Missouri marble.[113] In the corners of the Memorial Hall are four 8-foot (2.4 m) high bronze lamps, donated by the Order of the Eastern Star (a Masonic social organization composed primarily of women).[113] On the north and south sides of the Memorial Hall are murals by Allyn Cox depicting Washington attending a service at Christ Church, Alexandria and of Washington (in Masonic garb) laying the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol building.[8][13][108] The murals were photographed in their entirety for the first time in 2000.[124]

Behind the Memorial Hall to the west is the semicircular Memorial Theater,[125] which was designed to seat 1,000.[62] (After being reconfigured, it seats just 358 today.) The Memorial Theater features a fan-shaped ceiling and 16 St. Genevieve marble columns around its perimeter.[89] Around the mezzanine are 14 bronze bas-relief portraits of Presidents of the United States who were Freemasons.[126] Behind the stage is the portrait of Washington donated by Rep. Sol Bloom. In the balcony in the theater's eastern end is the Moller organ donated by Grand Lodge of New Jersey.[62] On the north side on the first floor is the North Lodge Room.[13] An open-beam arched ceiling marks this room, which is in the half-timbered style and has balconies on three sides and a stage in front.[127] This is the meeting room of Andrew Jackson Lodge No. 120, as well as other Masonic lodges who wish to use it for meetings while visiting the memorial.[127]

The tower contains the third through ninth floors. The tower is divided into four sections, each smaller in circumference than the one below.[8] There are two floors in the first, second, and third section, but only one floor in the fourth section. The third floor contains exhibits about the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm ("the Grotto"), and houses the organization's archives.[7][13] The fourth floor contains the George Washington Museum, which is maintained with funding from the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of the Southern and Northern Jurisdictions of the United States.[13] The Donald De Lue bronze statue of Washington is located in the museum,[128] which also contains many items used or owned by Washington.[7] The fourth floor is double the height of the third floor, with a mezzanine that contains additional exhibits. The fifth floor is the same height as the third floor, and is dedicated to exhibits and symbols important to Royal Arch Masonry.[7] This floor is in the Egyptian Revival and ancient Hebraic architectural styles.[13][73] It also contains a replica of the ark of the covenant (curtains automatically open and close to reveal the replica to visitors).[73] The sixth floor contains the Memorial Library.[13][125] This floor is double the height of the fifth floor, and like the fourth floor contains a mezzanine. The seventh floor is the same height as the third and fifth floors, and is dedicated to Cryptic Masonry (the second part of the York Rite system of Masonic degrees).[7][13] The room is a symbolic replica of the legendary crypt beneath the Temple of Solomon where secrets and treasures were kept.[13] It also contains murals which depict key events mentioned in Cryptic initiation rituals (such as the murder of Hiram Abiff, architect of Solomon's Temple). The eighth floor is the same height as the seventh floor, and contains a chapel dedicated to the Knights Templar.[13][73] It is in the early French Gothic architectural style. Like the fourth and sixth floors, it is double the height of the third and fifth floors but it lacks the mezzanine found on the fourth and sixth floors. The stained glass windows in this chapel depict four scenes from the Christian Bible:[73] Jesus healing the blind, the Sermon on the Mount, the crucifixion of Jesus, and the ascension of Jesus into heaven. The ninth floor is the same height as the third, fifth, and seventh floors, and contains both the Tall Cedars Room and the observation platform. The Tall Cedars of Lebanon is a social group for Master Masons, and their room on the ninth floor depicts King Solomon's throne room and symbols important to this group.[13] The observation platform, which rings the exterior of the ninth floor, is accessible only from this room.[13]

The structure is capped by a step pyramid with seven steps.[8][129] The light fixture atop the pyramid is in the shape of a double keystone (a shape which is of symbolic importance to Freemasons).[73]

The memorial sits on 36 acres (15 ha) of parkland.[73] Since the GWNMMA is a nonprofit organization, the memorial and its land are not taxed.[73] The first and second floors are open to all visitors,[28] but visitors are required to be accompanied by a docent when visiting the other floors.[7] Tours occur every hour.[7] Tours were free for most of the memorial's history, but a fee began to be charged in 2010.[108]

Building operations

Finances and organizational changes

The George Washington National Masonic Memorial is the only Masonic building supported by all 52 grand lodges of the United States.[73][125][130] By 1983, the memorial had 35 full-time staff and an annual budget of $500,000.[73] At that time, each person initiated into Freemasonry in the United States paid a one-time-only $5 fee which was deposited in the memorial's building maintenance fund.[73]

But despite this income and its endowment, the memorial faced a severe financial crisis in the 1980s.[131] A significant decline in the number of Freemasons in the United States led to strong declines in donations to the memorial's maintenance and endowment funds.[131] The building needed significant repairs, but making them left the maintenance fund exhausted.[131] For the first time in its history, the GWNMMA considered taking out a loan to pay for the repairs and the upkeep of the memorial.[131] The financial crisis was avoided when several Grand Lodges adopted a per capita assessment on their members to keep the memorial afloat, and the GWNMMA began a series of fundraisers and the sale of gifts to generate additional income.[131]

In 1993, to make the memorial a more central part of the cultural life of Alexandria, the memorial began renting out its meeting rooms, assembly halls, and theaters to private groups for various kinds of functions.[123] In 1994, the memorial's operating budget was $600,000.[123] By 2000, the GWNMMA's endowment had grown to $12 million.[132] But revenues were still inadequate. In the 1920s and 1930s, many Grand Lodges had enacted a per capita assessment on their members to provide general support for the GWNMMA. But by 2003, only one-quarter of all Grand Lodges still did so.[133] That year, the GWNMMA began pushing Grand Lodges to assess an automatic per capita contribution again.[133] The program met with some success. But despite this growth, in 2004 the endowment was still only half the size it needed to be.[134]

The GWNMMA also made some organizational changes. Between 1910 and 1951, the Association had had just three presidents (Shyrock, Watres, and Arn). The GWNMMA board of directors decided that imposing term limits on the office of the president would give board members a chance to become president and implement new ideas more frequently. In 2004, the GWNMMA amended its constitution to impose a limit of three one-year terms on presidents of the Association.[135] In 2008, the number of presidential terms limit was reduced further to two one-year terms.[136]

For the calendar year 2008,[137] the GWNMMA had 21 staff, total revenues of just over $1 million, total expenses of about $1.6 million, and total assets of about $15.8 million.[138] The Association's endowment, however, was not as robust as it had once been. About $500,000 had been spent (primarily on building repairs), and losses due to the economic downturn were significant (close to $2.7 million).[138] The endowment had dropped from about $11.8 million at the end of 2007 to about $8.7 million at the end of 2008.[138]


Major changes have occurred to the memorial and the nearby area since it was completed in 1970. The King Street Metro station opened about three blocks from the memorial in November 1983.[139] Storm windows on the exterior of building were also replaced about this time, at a cost of $75,000.[73] Microwave transmission antennas were added to the top of the memorial in 1990 to help the City of Alexandria improve police radio transmissions in the area.[140]

For the memorial's 60th anniversary in 1992, the George Washington museum exhibited a special collection of Washingtoniana. A rhinestone Past Master's Masonic "jewel," owned by Martha Washington and sold by the Washington family at the time of her death, the Kenmore Association (now known as the George Washington Foundation), was part of the display.[8] Also loaned to the museum was the desk in the Maryland Statehouse on which Washington resigned his commission in the Continental Army at the end of the American Revolution.[8] The Washington museum's collection was recataloged at this time as well.[8] This led to some historic discoveries. It had long been known that the Washington family Bible had a half-page of the family torn out, but the recataloging discovered that one of Washington's descendants had ripped it out to go into the cornerstone of the Washington Monument on July 4, 1848.[8] A map, hand-drawn by Washington to show the route a British military expedition took to Ohio in 1790, turned up in a desk.[8] Also uncovered was a book on the use of artillery sent to Washington by a Scotsman, and a 1798 encyclopedia (the first printed in America) specially ordered by Washington.[8] Researchers also uncovered a print of Washington's deathbed scene, and the stub of a candle carried by Freemasons in a ceremony after his death.[8]

In 1999, the George Washington National Masonic Memorial was branded for the first time as a Masonic building. Although twin sidewalks used to run directly up the eastern slope of Shooter's Hill toward the memorial's front steps,[73] these were partially replaced by curving cement paths and a large Square and Compasses (the Masonic symbol) in a landscaped setting.[13][141] The new symbol cost $250,000,[142] and is 70 feet (21 m) wide by 60 feet (18 m) long.[141] (It is visible from aircraft landing at nearby Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.)[141]

A number of renovations and repairs were made to the memorial in 1999 and 2000 as well. The Tall Cedars of Lebanon paid for the cleaning and restoration of its room on the ninth floor about this time.[143] The ninth floor chapel suffered water damage in the early and mid 1990s, but the Knights Templar organization repaired and repainted this space in 1999.[143] At the same time, the Grotto began a project to refurbish the murals and decorations in its room, while also researching and preparing for a later installation of new exhibits and displays.[143] In the fall of 1999, the York Rite organization installed an exhibit in the south hall on the memorial's first floor which explained the rite's charities, degrees, and goals.[144] Scheduled for completion in 2000 were a lawn sprinkler system on the east side of the hill, refurbishment of the boilers and the kitchen, installation of air conditioning in the Memorial Theater and library, upgrades to the elevators, repairs and upgrades to the electrical system, upgrades to make the memorial more ADA-compliant, removal hazardous materials (such as asbestos), repaving of driveways and parking lots, waterproofing of the portico and the tower, and a general refurbishment of the interior.[131][145][146] The cost of these upgrades was in excess of $500,000.[147][148] The same year, the memorial hired staff to begin a major renovation of the George Washington Museum and its exhibits,[120] and began a major landscaping effort to restore the grounds to their original condition.[148]

But despite these repairs, by 2002 the memorial still had almost $795,000 in deferred repairs.[149] Some of the larger and more costly projects which were needed included removal and resetting of the granite front steps, purchase and installation of emergency generators, replacement of the fresh water mains, installation of a tuned mass damper to prevent wind damage to the tower, installation of emergency lighting, and a structural survey of the memorial.[150] In 2003, the Northern and Southern Jurisdictions of Scottish Rite of Freemasonry agreed to provide $200,000 to fund the renovation of the George Washington museum.[133] The renovations were to be completed by August 2003.[133] In February 2004, renovations to the exhibits in the three Shriners' rooms on the first floor were also complete.[151] By fall of that year, the sidewalks on the north side of the memorial had also been replaced,[152] and in 2005 retaining walls around the Masonic symbol on the east side were built.[153] Aircraft warning lights were installed atop the memorial in early 2006, and security lighting installed in the parking lots.[154] But while welcome, these were not the major repairs the GWNMMA said it needed to make.

In anticipation of the Association's 100th anniversary in 2010, the memorial underwent significant repair.[13] The GNWMMA Board of Directors approved a significant expenditure of funds to make these changes.[155] The Main Assembly Hall was renamed the Grand Masonic Hall,[155] and restored to its original condition.[156] The "Grand Masonic Hall" was also enclosed with glass and doors, permitting it to be used as a conference center.[155][156] Air conditioning was installed throughout the building, elevators reaching to the first floor added, the roof over the second and third floors repaired, the memorial made even more handicap-accessible, the main front granite steps removed and reset, and a security and surveillance system installed.[155][156][157] The hallways around the Grand Masonic Hall on the first floor were repainted, new lighting installed, and a new photo exhibit ("The Golden Age of Masonic Architecture") placed on the walls.[13][158] The room containing the historic replica of the Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22 meeting room was also renovated and updated, to better display the Washingtoniana in the room.[159] A new exhibit, "The Form and Function of American Freemasonry," was added to the first floor to help explain what Freemasonry is and what its symbols represent.[13][156] Also planned were an exhibit (intended for the Grotto's third floor room) about Freemasonry's appendant bodies and a history of the memorial and its relationship with the city of Alexandria.[160]

Several new exhibits and permanent displays were added to the memorial in 2010 as well. On February 22, 2010, the GWNMMA unveiled a new painting by artist Christopher Erney depicting George Washington as a Freemason.[161] The memorial also unveiled a new temporary exhibit, "The Freemasons' White House Stones." The exhibit displayed stones which had been marked with Masonic symbols by some of the Scottish workmen during the construction of the White House in the 1790s.[162] Although some stones were permanently cemented into place in the fireplace in the White House basement kitchen, others had been unearthed during the structure's renovation from 1949-1951.[162] President Truman sent each Grand Lodge and Masonic body in the U.S. one of these stones.[163] The new exhibit reassembled most of these stones again in one location for the firs time since 1951.[163][164] A new, permanent exhibit was "Founders' Hall," which featured busts of Charles H. Callahan, Thomas J. Shryock, Louis H. Watres, and Elmer R. Arn.[165] The GWNMMA also received $50,000 from the California Grand Lodge to plant trees throughout the grounds.[166]

New programs

The GWNMMA has voiced concern that the memorial seems isolated from the life of the city around it, and the Association has worked to improve its relationship with the surrounding community. For example, in February 1994, the memorial held its first "open house."[123] The memorial was opened to the public for the first time without the need for a guide, and numerous objects and documents related to Washington from Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22's private collection were put on display.[123]

The memorial also opened its grounds to archeological digs in 1994. Estimates of human occupation on Shooter's Hill go back as far as 3,000 BC.[167] Shooter's Hill had been occupied by Native Americans, a mansion (in the 1830s and 1840s), a log cabin, Fort Ellsworth, a reservoir for the city's fresh water system, a park for outdoor dancing, and the Alexandria Golf Course among many others.[167][168] Alexandria city archeologists used ground-penetrating radar to help identify sites of interest on Shooter's Hill, including a brick foundation wall.[168][169] In the dig's first three seasons, a stone ax, pieces of ceramic pots, Civil War ammunition, various kinds of colored glass, a piece of jewelry shaped like a scarab, a Colonial-era mug imported from England, Native American spear points, a silver-plated spoon, a stoneware jar, and the bisque heads of dolls manufactured in Germany were found.[167] In 2002, the memorial opened an exhibit designed to showcase some of the archeological evidence unearthed on the memorial grounds.[170]

Crime at the memorial

The memorial has been the target of criminal activity several times in its history. The first set of incidents occurred in the 1960s. Twice the Cox murals in the second floor Memorial Hall were vandalized. The first time was about 1960, when someone cut into one of the murals and removed a fist-sized portion of the canvas.[171] The second time was in March 1965, when two portions of a mural were cut out.[171] The vandals were not caught, but the murals were repaired.

The memorial has also drawn unwanted attention from potential terrorists. In April 2005, Syed Haris Ahmed, a naturalized American citizen and student at the Georgia Institute of Technology, took videos of the George Washington National Masonic Memorial as well as the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon, the headquarters of the World Bank, and other buildings and infrastructure in the D.C. area.[172] American law enforcement authorities later learned that Ahmed had shared the video with Younes Tsouli and Aabid Hussein Khan (men later convicted of terrorism-related crimes in the United Kingdom).[172] Ahmed was arrested in March 2006, and convicted in 2009.[172]

In media and popular culture

A scene from the 2007 mystery-adventure film National Treasure: Book of Secrets was filmed in the Memorial Theater.[108][173] The stage in the theater was a stand-in for a lecture hall.[173] An additional scene was filmed in the Memorial Hall.[174]

The memorial also figured briefly in author Dan Brown's 2009 best-selling novel, The Lost Symbol.[108][175] The memorial is discussed in chapter 78, but not visited by the novel's protagonists.[176]

The release of Brown's book in 2009 brought widespread media attention to the memorial. The Discovery Channel filmed a portion of a documentary about Freemasonry at the memorial in August 2009 (it aired in October 2009).[177] Brown himself recommended that The Today Show co-host Matt Lauer visit the memorial, and Lauer subsequently filmed a segment in the Royal Arch room (it aired September 14, 2009, the day before Brown's book was released).[177] NBC Nightly News interviewed memorial staff around the same time, and Dateline NBC filmed a portion of a segment on Brown's book at the memorial as well (it aired October 16, 2009).[177]


  1. ^ a b c d e f "Start Alexandria Memorial Temple." Washington Post. June 6, 1922.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Shepperson, Charles M. "Masonic Fete Draws 150,000 to Alexandria." Washington Post. May 12, 1932.
  3. ^ a b c d e f "Dr. Arn Heads Masonic Memorial Unit for Fourth Term." Washington Post. February 24, 1942.
  4. ^ a b Ferris, p. 21.
  5. ^ Kruh and Kruh, p. 41.
  6. ^ a b Morris, p. 18.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i Hutton, Margaret. "George Washington Masonic National Memorial." Washington Post. No date. Accessed 2011-03-21.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Conroy, Sarah Booth. "Those Revolutionary Masons." Washington Post. February 16, 1992.
  9. ^ a b Colbert, p. 14.
  10. ^ Smith, p. 79.
  11. ^ Shooter's Hill is named for the Shooter's Hill area of South London. The Smith family, which owned Shooter's Hill, came from the Shooter's Hill area of London and claim descent from the explorer Captain John Smith. See: Smedes, p. 12; "Smith, William Morgan, M.D.", p. 555-556. However, some archeologists believe the name was derived from the last name of an inhabitant in the 1740s. See: Allen, Mike. "City's Hill Holds 5,000 Years of History." Washington Post. May 22, 1997.
  12. ^ Voges, p. 198; Connelly, p. 125.
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y Seghers, George D. "The George Washington Masonic Memorial Centennial Celebration." Scottish Rite Journal. January-February, 2001.
  14. ^ Lichtenstein, p. 27; Brown, p. 305; Walker, p. 112.
  15. ^ Lichtenstein, p. 27-28.
  16. ^ a b c d Lichtenstein, p. 28.
  17. ^ Rothery, p. 5; Laughlin, p. 17; Stevens, p. 243.
  18. ^ Native Americans used Shooter's Hill as a seasonal base for hunting and fishing as far back as 3,000 BC. The first dwelling built by European settlers was constructed there in 1781. A plantation owner built a mansion on the hill in the 1830s, but it burned to the ground in 1842. A log cabin, a small frame house, and a large brick house occupied the site until 1861. The site also was used as a laundry and barracks after the Civil War. See: Allen, "City's Hill Holds 5,000 Years of History," Washington Post, May 22, 1997.
  19. ^ "Gets Option on Park Site." Washington Post. February 27, 1908. This tract of land is today approximately bounded by Russell Road, Walnut Street, Upland Street, and Roberts Lane.
  20. ^ a b "Monument to Washington." Washington Post. July 1, 1908.
  21. ^ a b c "Push Public Park Plan." Washington Post. August 5, 1908.
  22. ^ "Alexandria Park Assured." Washington Post. November 8, 1908.
  23. ^ The street built on the southeast corner for Shooter's Hill would later be renamed Callahan Drive. See: "Early Construction of the Masonic Memorial." Alexandria Times. March 26-April 2, 2009. Accessed 2011-03-24.
  24. ^ "Masons Asked to Preside." Washington Post. January 11, 1909.
  25. ^ "Dedicate Park Today." Washington Post. April 30, 1909.
  26. ^ a b c "Temple Plans Drawn." Washington Post. December 1, 1915.
  27. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Dafoe, Stephen. "The George Washington Masonic National Memorial." Masonic Magazine. April 6, 2010.
  28. ^ a b c d e f g h i Solomon, Mary Jane. "The Father of His Fraternity." Washington Post. February 19, 1993.
  29. ^ a b c d e "Work on Alexandria Masonic Temple to Cease for Winter." Washington Post. December 26, 1924.
  30. ^ Callahan was born in 1858 at Aquia Mills, Virginia. He married Mary Elizabeth Appich in October 1891. He was a clerk and bookkeeper for his father until 1905, when he was elected deputy commissioner of revenue for the city of Alexandria. He was elected commissioner in 1907. See: "Callahan, Charles H.", p. 682.
  31. ^ a b c d Shepperson, Charles M. "Symbolic Corn, Wine and Oil to Be Poured on Realistic Copy." Washington Post. May 1, 1932.
  32. ^ "Temple for Alexandria." Washington Post. February 15, 1910.
  33. ^ "Taft to Address Masons." Washington Post. February 4, 1910; "Temple for Alexandria." Washington Post. February 15, 1910.
  34. ^ a b c "Masons Plan Temple." Washington Post. February 23, 1910.
  35. ^ "Masons Announce Plans." Washington Post. February 9, 1912.
  36. ^ "Taft to Meet Masons." Washington Post. February 22, 1911.
  37. ^ "Alexandria Will Be Host." Washington Post. February 18, 1911.
  38. ^ a b c d "Park May Get Temple." Washington Post. September 29, 1915.
  39. ^ This area included the crest of Shooter's Hill and the north slope extending toward Park Road.
  40. ^ a b "The George Washington National Masonic Memorial Association." New Age Magazine. March 1917, p. 127.
  41. ^ a b c "Temple of Masons Washington Shrine." Washington Post. April 1, 1917.
  42. ^ Riddell, John P. "Charles H. Callahan... A Man of Vision, A Man of Action." The Light. Fall 2000, p. 6.
  43. ^ "Plans Big Temple to First President." Washington Post. February 20, 1922.
  44. ^ a b "$2,400,000 Memorial Engrosses Masons." Washington Post. February 21, 1922.
  45. ^ "Virginia Charters Masonic Temple." Washington Post. March 17, 1922.
  46. ^ Caemmerer, p. 1140.
  47. ^ a b c Stoller, p. 42.
  48. ^ a b c "$4,000,000 Memorial to Washington." Manufacturers' Record. November 8, 1923, p. 91.
  49. ^ a b c d e "Masons of Nation Have First Meeting in Alexandria Fane." Washington Post. February 23, 1926.
  50. ^ a b c d e f g h i Osgood, S. Eugene. "George Washington National Masonic Memorial." The American Tyler-Keystone. March 1923, p. 50.
  51. ^ Reynolds, p. 154.
  52. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af "Many Companies Assisted In Building Great Temple." Washington Post. May 12, 1932.
  53. ^ a b c d Corbett, Harvey W. "Architectural Models of Cardboard, Part II." Pencil Points. May 1922, p. 32.
  54. ^ Clute, p. 19.
  55. ^ Corbett, p. 32-33.
  56. ^ a b c d e f g h "Begin Mason Shrine to First President." Washington Post. July 1, 1922.
  57. ^ a b c d e f g h "Masons Raise Half of $4,000,000 for Washington Shrine." Washington Post. February 22, 1924.
  58. ^ a b "Memorial Building to Be Solid Granite." Washington Post. February 23, 1923.
  59. ^ a b c "Officers Elected by Masonic Body." Washington Post. February 24, 1923.
  60. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "Masonic Memorial Construction Work Nearing Completion." Washington Post. August 13, 1927.
  61. ^ Riddell, J.P. "How High is the Memorial?" The Light. Winter 2000, p. 5.
  62. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r "Memorial Site Once Was Land of Washington." Washington Post. June 11, 1935.
  63. ^ a b c d e "Early Construction of the Masonic Memorial." Alexandria Times. March 26-April 2, 2009. Accessed 2011-03-24.
  64. ^ a b c Lusk, George L. "Annual Meeting of the George Washington National Masonic Memorial." The American Tyler-Keystone. April 1923, p. 72.
  65. ^ a b c "Washington Temple Work Starts Again." Washington Post. March 31, 1928.
  66. ^ a b c d e f g h "14,000 to March as Masons Lay Memorial Cornerstone." Washington Post. October 31, 1923.
  67. ^ a b c d "Cruiser Richmond Will Arrive Today to Honor Masons." Washington Post. October 30, 1923.
  68. ^ a b Price, Harry N. "President to Lay Stone For Masonic Memorial." Washington Post. November 1, 1923.
  69. ^ a b c "14,000 Expected in Line of Masonic Procession." Washington Post. November 1, 1923.
  70. ^ a b c d e f g h i "$375,000 Expended on Masonic temple on Shooters Hill." Washington Post. May 25, 1925.
  71. ^ a b c d "George Washington Temple Work Will Be Resumed May 1." Washington Post. April 20, 1924.
  72. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "Pouring Concrete for Masonic Roof Completed Today." Washington Post. August 30, 1927.
  73. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Burgess, John. "The 'Secret' That Everyone Is Able to See." Washington Post. April 24, 1983.
  74. ^ "Masonic Memorial Group Will Open Convention Monday." Washington Post. February 18, 1926.
  75. ^ "Columns in Place for Masonic Temple in Alexandria Park." Washington Post. October 18, 1926.
  76. ^ American Art Annual, p. 473.
  77. ^ a b "Woman Dares Dizzy Heights Carving Washington Head." Popular Mechanics. September 1927, p. 417.
  78. ^ "Alexandria Session of Memorial Group Reelects Watres." Washington Post. February 23, 1927.
  79. ^ a b c "Masons to Discuss Financing Temple on Shooters' Hill." Washington Post. February 2, 1928.
  80. ^ a b c d "Grand Lodge Votes $10,000 for Doors for Masonic Fane." Washington Post. February 20, 1928.
  81. ^ "Washington Memorial Temple Heads Elected." Washington Post. February 23, 1928.
  82. ^ "Temple Fund Aided by $400,000 in 1928." Washington Post. February 22, 1929.
  83. ^ "Alexandria Masons Plan Temple Rites." Washington Post. August 5, 1929.
  84. ^ "Masons Planning for Unique Rite." Washington Post. November 10, 1929; Shepperson, Charles M. "First Service Held in Masonic Temple." Washington Post. November 17, 1929.
  85. ^ a b c d e f "Work on Exterior of Temple Is Ended." Washington Post. February 9, 1931.
  86. ^ "The George Washington National Masonic Memorial." The New Age Magazine. February 1957, p. 117.
  87. ^ "Workers to Start on Memorial Unit." Washington Post. March 21, 1931.
  88. ^ "Finest Materials Used in Structure." Washington Post. May 12, 1932.
  89. ^ a b c d e f g "Masonic Dedication Plans Being Rushed." Washington Post. April 23, 1932.
  90. ^ a b c "High Masonic Chiefs to Meet Here Friday." Washington Post. February 18, 1940.
  91. ^ a b "Memorial to Date Free of All Debts." Washington Post. May 12, 1932.
  92. ^ "Old Frigate to Aid Masonic Ceremony." Washington Post. April 25, 1932.
  93. ^ a b c d "Temple Dedication Plans Completed." Washington Post. May 11, 1932.
  94. ^ "Memorial Postal Station Decreed." Washington Post. May 8, 1932.
  95. ^ "200,000 Letters Sent In Memorial Cachet." Washington Post. May 14, 1932.
  96. ^ "Most of House Members Will Attend Dedication." Washington Post. May 12, 1932.
  97. ^ a b c d e f g h "Lofty Temple Dedicated By Masonic Rite." Washington Post. May 13, 1932.
  98. ^ a b c "Masons to Display Relics." Washington Post. April 4, 1932.
  99. ^ "$100,000 Given to Washington Memorial Unit." Washington Post. February 23, 1941.
  100. ^ Shriners' Room Is Dedicated in Alexandria." Washington Post. May 22, 1945.
  101. ^ a b c d e f Turnbull and Denslow, p. 287.
  102. ^ a b "Masons Swell Temple Fund By $154,699." Washington Post. February 23, 1947.
  103. ^ "Many Here to Honor Washington Today." Washington Post. February 22, 1948.
  104. ^ Hollinger, John R. "Grotto Room Dedicated in the George Washington Memorial." The New Age Magazine. April 1948, p. 252.
  105. ^ a b c d e Ellis, Paul E. "From The President." The Light. Winter 2001, p. 1.
  106. ^ Tatsch, p. 85; Bessel, Paul M. "Library Corner." The Light. Spring 1999, p. 6.
  107. ^ a b c d e f g h i Lyons, Richard L. "Alexandria Temple Boasts Only Slanting Elevators." Washington Post. September 23, 1949.
  108. ^ a b c d e f g "More History Than Mystery in Alexandria." Washington Post. January 29, 2010.
  109. ^ a b c "Alexandria Temple Unit Dedicated." Washington Post. December 4, 1949.
  110. ^ a b c Folliard, Edward T. "Talk at Dedication of Washington Statue Regarded as Defense of Russian Policy." Washington Post. February 23, 1950.
  111. ^ Turnbull and Denslow, p. 288.
  112. ^ Smith, J.Y. "Allyn Cox Dies; Works Included Capitol Murals." Washington Post. September 28, 1982.
  113. ^ a b c d e f g Riddell, J.P. "Memorial Hall." The Light. Spring 2000, p. 5.
  114. ^ Boudreau, Bleimann, and Deutsch, p. 200.
  115. ^ Hume, Paul. "New Organ to Have First Test Tonight." Washington Post. March 1, 1954.
  116. ^ "New Chapel Dedicated By Masons." Washington Post. April 21, 1957.
  117. ^ a b Riddell, John P. "The George Washington Museum Displays Rich Relics." The Light. Spring 1999, p. 4.
  118. ^ Douglas, Walter B. "Dioramas Tell Story of Washington's Life." Washington Post. February 16, 1962.
  119. ^ Douglas, Walter B. "'Lighthouse' of Alexandria Looms As One of Area's Several Wonders." Washington Post. August 30, 1964.
  120. ^ a b "Former Curator Returns to The Memorial." The Light. Fall 2000, p. 1.
  121. ^ "On the Cover." The Athelstanian. August 2010, p. 2.
  122. ^ Tabbert, Mark A. "New Exhibit Opens During World Conference." The Messenger. Summer 2008, p. 2.
  123. ^ a b c d e Hong, Peter. "Inside Look at a Landmark." Washington Post. February 24, 1994.
  124. ^ "Murals in Memorial Hall Photographed for the First Time." The Light. Spring 2000, p. 6.
  125. ^ a b c Burian, p. 408.
  126. ^ "Gerald R. Ford, 33˚ — President, Statesman, Freemason." The Messenger. Spring 2007, p. 6.
  127. ^ a b "The North Lodge Room." The Light. Fall 1999, p. 6.
  128. ^ Howlett and Noble, p. 132.
  129. ^ Seghers, George A. "Message From Alexandria." The Messenger. Summer 2008, p. 3.
  130. ^ Bahr, et al., p. 59.
  131. ^ a b c d e f "From The President." The Light. Fall 2000, p. 1.
  132. ^ "Paul E. Ellis Elected President." The Light. Spring 2000, p. 1.
  133. ^ a b c d Lichty, Warren D. "From the President." The Light. Summer 2003, p. 4.
  134. ^ Seghers, George D. "Message From Alexandria." The Messenger. Winter 2004, p. 3.
  135. ^ Lichty, Warren D. "Greetings From The President." The Messenger. Winter 2004, p. 2.
  136. ^ "2008 Annual Meeting." The Messenger. Spring 2008, p. 1.
  137. ^ These are the most recent figures available as of March 31, 2011.
  138. ^ a b c "Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax. Form 990." George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association. 54-0545202. December 31, 2008.
  139. ^ Martinez, Michael. "King St. Station Bringing New Life to Old Town." Washington Post. November 21, 1983.
  140. ^ Jenkins, Jr., Kent. "Alexandria to Improve Police Radio; City to Set Dishes Atop GW Memorial." Washington Post. April 12, 1990.
  141. ^ a b c O'Hanlon, Ann. "A Symbolic Addition: The Letter 'G' Is Concrete, but Its Meaning Is Abstract." Washington Post. July 29, 1999.
  142. ^ "A Day in History." The Light. Winter 1999, p. 1.
  143. ^ a b c "Knights Templar, Grotto and Tall Cedars Renovating Areas." The Light. Spring 1999, p. 8.
  144. ^ "York Rite Sovereign College Installs Exhibit." The Light. Fall 1999, p. 2.
  145. ^ "Projects in Progress - 2000." The Light. Spring 2000, p. 3.
  146. ^ "Edgar N. Peppler Retiring As President." The Light. Winter 2000, p. 2.
  147. ^ "Projects in Progress." The Light. Summer 2000, p. 5.
  148. ^ a b Seghers, George D. "A Message from the Executive Secretary-Treasurer." The Light. Fall 2000, p. 4.
  149. ^ Seghers, George D. "From the Secretary." The Light. Summer 2002, p. 3.
  150. ^ "Projects That Need Funding - 2002." The Light. Winter 2002, p. 6.
  151. ^ "Memorial Welcomes 2004 Conference and Holds Successful Annual Meeting." The Messenger. Spring 2004, p. 1.
  152. ^ "Wish List - 2004." The Messenger. Fall 2004, p. 3.
  153. ^ "Wish List - 2005." The Messenger. Spring 2005, p. 3.
  154. ^ "Wish List - 2006." The Messenger. Spring 2006, p. 3.
  155. ^ a b c d "Board Approves Major Projects at Semi-Annual Board Meeting." The Messenger. Summer 2007, p. 1.
  156. ^ a b c d Seghers, George D. "Message From Alexandria." The Messenger. Spring 2007, p. 3.
  157. ^ "Message From Alexandria." The Messenger. Summer 2007, p. 3.
  158. ^ Tabbert, Mark A. "New Exhibit Opens." The Messenger. Summer 2007, p. 7.
  159. ^ Brumback, Michael D. "Greetings From The President." The Messenger. Fall 2008, p. 1-2.
  160. ^ Seghers, Georg D. "Message From Alexandria." The Messenger. Spring 2008, p. 2.
  161. ^ "Centennial Celebration." The Messenger. Fall 2010, p. 1.
  162. ^ a b Wasserman, p. 59.
  163. ^ a b "Centennial Celebration." The Messenger. Fall 2009, p. 5.
  164. ^ Tabbert, Mark A. "Memorial Opens White House Stones Exhibit." Light. Spring 2010, p. 2, 4.
  165. ^ "Honoring Our Founders." Light. Summer 2010, p. 1-2.
  166. ^ "California Tree Project." Light. Summer 2010, p. 6.
  167. ^ a b c Allen, Mike. "City's Hill Holds 5,000 Years of History." Washington Post. May 22, 1997.
  168. ^ a b Constable, Pamela. "Young Alexandrians Help Unearth City's Past." Washington Post. June 25, 1995.
  169. ^ Sigal, Ann Cameron. "Uncovering History." Washington Post. May 15, 2009.
  170. ^ "Archaeology Exhibit Unveiled." The Light. Summer 2002, p. 5.
  171. ^ a b Douglas, Walter B. "Washington Mural Cut By Vandal in Alexandria." Washington Post. March 25, 1965.
  172. ^ a b c Johnson, Carrie. "Ga. Man Convicted of Terrorist Support." Washington Post. June 11, 2009.
  173. ^ a b Deane, Daniela and Downey, Kirstin. "Freemasonry, Eager to Step From Cultural Shadows." Washington Post. December 24, 2007.
  174. ^ Brumback, Michael D. "Greetings From The President." The Messenger. Fall 2007, p. 1.
  175. ^ Hesse, Monica and Montgomery, David. "Mysteries All Over the Map." Washington Post. September 10, 2009.
  176. ^ Burstein and De Keijzer, p. 228.
  177. ^ a b c Tabbert, Mark A. "The Memorial and The Lost Symbol." The Messenger. Fall 2010, p. 7.


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